Ever wondered how the Justice League would look like in the marvel Universe? Don't look any further:
They're the sole survivors of lost Earths, and they'll do anything to protect this one -whether you like it or not! The former Avenger, Hyperion. The Nighthawk of Supreme Power. Blur from the New Universe's DP7. Dr. Spectrum of the Great Society. And the original Squadron's Power Princess. Together, they're the Squadron Supreme, and they don't care about the rules. All that matters is the safety of their adopted home. If you stand in the way, that's your problem! First on their to-do list: Namor, destroyer of Dr. Spectrum's homeworld. He must pay for his crimes -but at what cost to the people of Atlantis? As the Squadron's extreme measures attract attention, the Uncanny Avengers will come calling. If this isn't your new favorite super team, then pretend!
Writer: James Robinson ( Justice society of America, Wonder woman)
Artist: Leonard Kirk (supergirl, witchblade) Alex Ross cover
Readers: 12+
Publisher: Marvel Comics (2015)
163 Pages
Form: TPB
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