Take a trip on the wild side with Spidey and DP!
Take a little bit of Spidey and a touch of Deadpool, take away the Y chromosomes, blend it all together and what do you get? Peter Parker and Wade Wilson's worst nightmare -the murderous, mixed-up miss named Itsy Bitsy! The "daughter" of our two heroes is stronger than them, faster than them and has seriously creepy daddy issues - but what crazed mind could have conceived of her in the first place?
As the body count begins to rise, somehow Spider-Man and Deadpool must work together to take down Itsy-Bitsy -and the person who has been pulling their strings from the start! But how is a trip to Weirdworld going to help wash that spider out? It's the most disturbing Spidey/Deadpool story yet!
Collects: SPIDER-MAN/DEADPOOL 9-10, 13-14, 17-18
Writer: Joe Kelly( Deadpool)
Artist: Ed Mcguinness (superman/batman, Hulk)
Readers: 13+
Publisher: Marvel Comics (2017)
136 Pages
Form: TPB
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- Nieuwstaat = 8.5 VF+ - 9.8 NM
- Goede staat = 5.0 VG/FN - 8.0 VF
- Mindere staat = 1.0 FR - 4.5 VG+
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