Eddie Brock is back to his old lethal protector self!
Cured of the metabolic disorder that was affecting the symbiote's mental state, Venom is back to acting like his old Lethal Protector self. But his recent actions in battling his way through New York City won't go unpunished, and Venom is about to discover that the hard way - when the wall-crawling super-sleuth known as Spider-Woman kicks in his door!
And soon, Eddie Brock learns a terrible truth: the symbiote has been keeping an earth-shattering secret from him. After years together, off and on, this is the one secret that their symbiotic relationship might not bounce back from...
Collects: VENOM 161, 164-165, Plus Amazing Spider-man 362-363 (1963) and the Venom 30th Anniversary Variants
Writer: Mike Costa
Artists: Mark Bagley and Scot Hanna
Publisher: Marvel Comics (2018)
112 Pages
Form: TPB
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