The detectives working the Gotham City Police Department’s special Midnight Shift aren’t like the other cops in this city. They take on the cases that defy rational explanation—cases where the perps are monsters, freaks and demons.
Of course, the Midnight Shift may be just as monstrous themselves.
Detective Jim Corrigan is a good cop, but he also plays host to the Spectre—the spirit of divine wrath. At any moment, the Spectre might emerge and take bloody vengeance on the guilty. But in a town like Gotham, guilty parties are everywhere, and no one is safe from the Spectre’s fury—not even the good guys.
Writer: Ray Fawkes (Batman Eternal)
Artists: Juan Ferreyra (Constantine) and Christian Duce (Batman and Robin Eternal)
Readers: 13+
Publisher: DC Comics (2016)
208 Pages
Form: TPB
Mindere Staat: klein ezelsoor cover voorkant + eerste pagina's
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- Goede staat = 5.0 VG/FN - 8.0 VF
- Mindere staat = 1.0 FR - 4.5 VG+
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