One of the most highly anticipated sequels of all-time is finally here in BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT: MASTER RACE!
In 1986, Frank Miller introduced his iconic take on Batman and changed the face of comics forever. Now, three decades after BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, Miller himself has returned with a third chapter to his groundbreaking saga.
It’s been three years since the Batman defeated Lex Luthor and saved the world from tyranny. Three years since anyone has seen Gotham City’s guardian alive. Wonder Woman, Queen of the Amazons…Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern…Superman, the Man of Steel…all of the Dark Knight’s allies have retreated from the front lines of the war against injustice.
But now a new war is beginning. An army of unimaginable power led by Superman’s own daughter is preparing to claim Earth as their new world.
The only force that can stop this master race—Batman—is dead.
Long live the new Batman…
Collects: the nine-issue miniseries and its mini-comic tie-in issues
Frank Miller ( Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Year One, Batman : The Dark Knight Strikes Again, Sin City, 300 etc)
Brian Azzarello (100 Bullets)
Artists: Andy Kubert(Flashpoint),Klaus Janson (TDKR),Frank Miller,John Romita JR( All-star Batman) and Eduardo Risso ( 100 Bullets)
Readers: 13+
Publisher: Dc Comics (2017)
376 Pages
Form: TPB
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