Great Girl-power comic!
In July 2012, Carol Danvers, the longtime super-heroine known as MS Marvel assumed the mantle of Captain Marvel and history was made!
If you liked the movie why don't you take a chance on the series that inspired it!
Captain Marvel and the Avengers face the enemy within! When vicious echoes from the past of Earth's Mightiest Heroes crop up all over Manhattan, Carol Danvers refuses to be grounded by her recent and mysterious loss of power.
But who is the sinister figure behind the madness, and what does it have to do with Carol's calamitous condition? And the most disturbing question of all...is this villain even real? Things get worse as the events of Infi nity unfold.
Carol goes cosmic - Binary cosmic - in an epic that rocks worlds, not least hers! But when she comes back to Earth with a bump, will her biggesC be the key to rebuilding her life? You just can't keep a good Captain down!
Collects: Captain Marvel (2012) 13-17, Avengers: The Enemy Within 1, Avengers Assemble 16-19, Avenging Spider-Man 9-10
Writer: Kelly Sue Deconnick
Artists: Scott Hepburn, Gerardo Sandoval, Pat Olliffe, Felipe Andrade and Matteo Buffagni
Publisher: Marvel Comics 2016
280 pages
Form: TPB
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Dit is de schaal die wij gebruiken om onze comics te graden.
- Nieuwstaat = 8.5 VF+ - 9.8 NM
- Goede staat = 5.0 VG/FN - 8.0 VF
- Mindere staat = 1.0 FR - 4.5 VG+
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